Monday, November 7, 2011

Wise Words

"Do no dissect things too much.  By the time you have dissected a thing you have killed it, and you no longer have the thing that it began with.  Take a rose out of the bowl, pull its petals apart, count them, weigh them, measure them and then, while you will have certain interesting information, you no longer have a rose."

This is something that I'm trying to be better at lately...I tend to analyze EVERYTHING and I'm trying to just live in the moment and enjoy and be happy without over thinking ever situation. 

Wednesday, October 26, 2011


I took this test on the New York Times website:
Basically, they give you different questions about your preferences and you pick from a bunch of pictures to indicate your interests and then it generates a description about you....I like mine and think it definitely captures me well...
"I'm an ADVENTUROUS SPIRIT~You are a hands-on type of person who will throw them self into the most gutsy of challenges feet-first and without fear. It's this positive can-do attitude that makes you the successful fun-lover that people enjoy spending time with. There's a strong, thoughtful element to your character that means you love anything with a sense of intrigue to really get your heart racing.

You're a fast-mover and feel energized about anything that gets your pulse racing! You're enthusiastic about life and an upbeat spirit who knows how to have fun and tends to value all which is fresh and new in the world. You tire quickly of old conventions and outdated ideas, wishing to experience new methods with youthful innocence and vigor. It's all about big thrills and exciting antics that take you out of your comfort zone. You want to feel connected to the world around you and actively seek out opportunities to get closer to nature. For you, it is all about broadening your horizons and living life to the fullest!"

Friday, June 10, 2011

Crazy for the Storm by Norman Ollestad

Good story about life lessons and survival.  This is an autobiography about the survival of Norman Ollestad after his plane crashed in the mountains east of LA.  He attempted to rescue his father, who did not make it, but throughout the account of the events that lead Norman to his rescue, he intertwines to story of his childhood memories growing up at the beach with his father, who always pushed him to try harder and conquer the unthinkable in terms of adventure sports- mainly surfing and skiing.  If nothing else, this book inspired me to charge ahead with my sports and realize that 99% of achievement in life is dependent on mental strength, determination, and a thirst for adventure.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

South Shore Camera

This camera is so cool... get to check out all the good spots on the south shore.  On the bottom right corner there is a panel that allows you to take control of the camera and zoom in/out and even be directed to specific surf spots.  Although I'm only a 5 minute walk from the beach, its cool to be able to check it out from the convenience of your computer :)

Monday, April 25, 2011

Tree Pods

Wouldn't it be great to have a tree pod / mini fort to relax in sometimes :)

Thursday, April 21, 2011

The Green Kitchen

MMMM, the recipes in this blog look amazing and the pictures are even better than the food.... I'm not a huge "foodie" but I love the creativity that people put into their cooking and I like the side of cooking that is more of an artistic skill than anything... makes me want to cook better for myself and be more creative/artistic in the kitchen...

I'll have to make some of these recipes and post pictures later...

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Change the World!

If a young girl can be this articulate and thought provoking - why can't I do more... this motivates me to get off my butt and be more proactive and outspoken about things I believe in :)

Be the change you want to see in the world.