Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Green Grass

So I decided to come home to AZ, on a last minute whim.  There wasn't much holding me back in Cali for the next two weeks and since it's been about a year since I've come home for no apparent reason- I decided to go home.  Probably sounds nice because the grass is always greener...but guess what- the grass is not green here and I feel like I might melt...or have a melt down.  I will say that it's great to be back to family and friends- but boy are they missing out on the ocean and scenery that we both have!  Anyway, being here really makes me miss you and I can't wait for us both to be back home! 
On a more hilarious note- I stumbled upon Mrs. Paul Jonsma...s blog.  Pretty funny. Here's a link:   http://www.summerlandish.com/?page_id=76

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