Friday, October 1, 2010

Biker Babe!

So we have officially entered the "rainy season" which poses a bit of a problem for my bike commute.  Tonight I went to happy hour after work and after a couple hours of rain, I realize that I couldn't wait it out any longer and I decided I had no option other than to just ride my bike home and get soaking wet.  Good thing I had a couple of beers at the bar, so it was actually kind of comical to me that I was riding in the rain.  But at the same time, I just kept thinking about how much having to bike commute in the rain SUCKS!

So tonight I'm posting some POSITIVE reasons for riding a bike as my only form of transportation!

1) Save money!!!  Basically this trumps all other reasons - saves money on car payments, gas, bus tickets, and parking.  Although I did kinda break the bank with buying a new road bike after my first beach cruiser got stolen, it definitely beats paying $60 a month for the bus or who knows how much for a car!

2)  Exercise!  its a good way to build exercise into each day.  Its great to get the blood moving on my commute to work in the morning, and if I get really ambitious, it may even turn into a hobby that will take me on bike rides that extend many miles.  Maybe even get into tri-athalons or bike races!

3)  No traffic!  well kind of... now that I have a road bike I'm still getting used to the rules of the road and for the most part I'm supposed to follow normal traffic patterns but sometimes I can run through a red light or hop onto the sidewalk and beat the terrible traffic that plagues this island.

4)  Help the environment!!!  Doing my small part to reduce emissions and decrease our dependence on oil.

5)  Looking cool!  minus the dorky helmet, I love my sweet neon pink bike!!  am I a hipster now?  I don't know if I would go that far, but I definitely turn some heads due to the bright color of my ride - maybe someday a hot biker dude will ask me to take a ride with/on him...

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