Thursday, October 14, 2010

Marcell the Shell

Guess what my skis are...toe nails from a man....  I can't believe winter is approaching again so soon!  I figure if we can't lay in bed and eat ice cream together all winter (/ski:)... we can at least share YouTube vids.  This one is from Spot.  She's growing up so fast and is now exponentially cooler than me, luckily I trained her well so she's good at finding secret treasures like this little gem...

Advanced apologies if my blogging frequency is low.  If all goes according to plan, we're headed up to San Francisco on Thursday :0 I've got a whole road trip mapped out, however it might take 4 trips to check everything off the list.  Now that I don't have my MAMA to take care of me and plan our adventures, I've taken matters into my own hands...we'll see how that goes- Stay tuned ;D

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