Friday, October 1, 2010


First off I couldn't agree more on your bike policies.  I just got back from riding by bike to the local library... I forgot how excellent the library is!

Today's check out items were the following:
1) A book on starfish
2) A book on jellyfish
3) "The Boss of YOU" book on starting a small business
4) Road Trip USA- PCH101 edition (Can't believe we didn't get one of these before driving from Arizona to Rhode Island!)

I'll be so much smarter IF I read these. New Goal: get books from the library once a month AND read them  :D

Now on to more important things: Music...maybe music will motivate me to read books? Doubtful. However it will encourage me to physically DO things, like eat books... Here's my most recent motivational play list:
 ALSO big news, if you have not already been notified, there's a new Zac Brown Band CD out!!! Here's a little peek:

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