Monday, October 4, 2010

Wealth is All Relative

I found this interesting website that shows your wealth compared to the rest of the world.  I found out that I am in the top 3.85% riches people in the world.  How crazy is that!!!  And I feel like I am barely getting by on my income!

Living in the US it is easy to get caught up in the huge amounts of money that people make and the lavish lifestyles that we aspire to have someday.  And then we find ourself comparing our meager incomes to these multi-million or even multi-billion-aires and we feel inadequate and poor in comparison.  However, if we compare our financial situation to other populations across the world we realize that we have a lot more money than some would even dream of having.

However, our cost of living is also much higher and therefore our money doesn't go as far.  Sometimes it makes me want to just save my money here and then move to a third world country and spend basically nothing to live.  Can we go back to the days of South American living when minimalism was the spice of life and every moment was an adventure...



Just the bare necessities of life...

1 comment:

  1. SO true! Haha ah so many great memories! If only we weren't exposed to life's finest... then we would be happy to live in that NASTY $4 a night hostel we ended up in the night we arrived in Peru! ...Rat fink...what an animal!
